Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How I wish...

Had a rather long chat with DY over the phone just now... sweet DY asked me if I want to share the Dumplings that Bee Bee's mom made for her. Too bad I had my pizza dinner at Karen's house earlier and was really really full....

We talked about many things...one of which is something that I am hoping for at the back of my mind right now: A carefree life whereby I have only one dream - to leave Singapore and keep on travelling, and only care about the next day. I'd just pack up my bag and go, go somewhere... Taiwan or Bangkok maybe? Then eat and play until my pocket runs dry, then look for a job and work. Until I've a sizeable amount of money, I'll move on to the next country... perhaps China or India... Eat and play until my pocket runs dry again, then look for a job and work. I'll keep doing this till I've reached the end of my road. It's meaningless.... yes.... but at least I will be a happy girl...being happy will be my meaning in life...

Haha. If I ever do this my mom will definitely bring up about disowning me again...
Right now here I am having to plan for my June and July. The calenders are up and June will be a very slow month; July will be a very fast and hectic month. Coming will be August. August. I thought my wings would be strong and ready to fly by then... I have been preparing since my 18th birthday...However, not long after my 19th birthday, it was crippled, and remained, still crippled....

I'm gonna disappoint my Jiao Lian.. my buddy...the dreams, the goals, the aim that we had agreed to work towards to, together, I've derailed, I've lost track...but still, disappointing him would be the last thing I want to do....

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