Sunday, July 24, 2011

Donald Trump & Bill Zanker : THINK BIG Chapt 1 - 3

I've always heard of Donald Trump but all I knew was that he should be some big guy somewhere in this big world. He should be pretty rich too.

Now I know Donald Trump’s a REALLY REALLY rich guy with lots of properties, golf course, television shows and even a football team to his name. He's generally highly confident, a good man and a loyal friend. Trump would, however, make a terrible husband and has a nasty attitude.

'Think Big' is a New York Times Bestseller and I personally think it is basically for people who already have a certain direction in life: That they are not going to work for anybody. They will owe a business, or a few businesses and people are going to work for them. Either that or you are already someone successful who wants to be even more successful even if it makes you look mean. Don’t waste your time reading it if you intend to stay employed or do freelancing jobs all your life. You won’t see eye to eye with the book and its authors. If I were to throw 'Think Big' to my mother or anybody else who spent more than half their lives working for others, they’ll probably think the book is leading me onto dangerous unknown paths.

'Think Big' is co-written with Bill Zanker, another big business owner who goes around the world doing expos and teaching people what schools don’t teach. I figured you could Google these two big personalities yourself so I won’t bother covering them now.

Trump talked about passion in ‘Think Big’:

‘Passion gives you the intestinal fortitude you need to never give up.’

I couldn’t agree more with him. I’ve found out that Lack Of Passion is one of the main reasons why I couldn’t force myself to stay in YEO’s any longer. I like the people I like the job. I have interest in it no doubt. But liking a job isn’t enough. How do you actually go on to do something for 10 hours a day when you have no passion for it? I’m not happy and I’m not excelling. For someone with such varied and vast number of different interests, passion is what sets one apart from another.

After 10 hours of work, I could make myself travel for more than an hour all the way back to school to join the juniors for their Wushu training. Passion is the driving reason why till this day, even after 10 years, I am still training in Wushu. It’s stimulating and satisfying. I feel happy and free in my Wushu shoes and pants. Sometimes I even think I can fly (It’s weird why I never excelled in jumps). Get me to go down to the stadiums to oversee a soccer match (part of my job) and most of the time I am counting down to the last hour where I can leave. Have it coincide with a Wushu training day and I’ll feel I’m having an especially awful week. I sincerely thought I had the determination to last for two year but I’m emotionally extreme and life got exceedingly miserable for me very quickly. My bosses think I had good potential but I was dawdling and oblivious. I wasn’t like that. It was a period of time I had a lot of doubts and felt I am mismanaging my life. I had to leave and ‘reset’ myself and I’m glad I’ve made the right decision.

‘Do what feels good’ ‘Never give up’ – Donald Trump ‘Think Big’

Compared to many other fellow practitioners, I am probably a failure, having put so many hours into training yet my best is only silver in the nationals. Age is catching up yet I don’t think I will stop anytime soon. I am still training and maintaining my form while many of my peers have stopped and given up. I love Wushu and I love the art’s beauty. Medals are not as important compared to passion. As long as I don’t stop, who knows, I may get a Gold somewhere someday! Or maybe a student can win one for me! Thinking Big!
I’m only learning how to apply all these to the work I am embarking now. I tend to be hot-headed and rush into new interests. This time I took efforts to ensure that with I am doing now is in line with what I know I would be interested in for a long time. How do I know? Simply imagine if one day your business stops earning you money, or if you become so busy you only get to sleep 4 hours a week, would you still continue doing what you love doing now? If the answer is yes, congrats, you have found your passion. Hopefully, as I get better in it, as I get more confident in it, it’ll become a passion the way Wushu became for me.

‘Know your business inside and out, get all the facts, ask people their opinions, and then go with your gut.’ – Donald Trump ‘Think Big’

Up till now, the reason why I haven’t really quoted Zanker is not because he hasn’t really written anything good, but because he seems more like a commenter backing Trump’s words. His writings take up maybe about 7% of the 'Think Big' , probably that’s why you only see Trump pointing at you from the book and not Zanker and Trump doing it together.

Sometimes you know your business and facts on the tip of your finger. Then you go ask around for opinions and when you’re done asking, you’re also convinced you are wrong.

This happened to me several times before. Of course I’ve wiser up to know who to ask. But at the same time, it is also important to trust yourself and your gut. Women have better instincts and I dare say 80% of the time I follow my gut, especially in the case of directions and people’s character, I’m right (50% of the time I really don’t know the odds). Sometimes all the facts could be pointing you in one direction but your gut points you in another. If your gut have proven itself right many times before, do Trump’s advise and follow it. You won’t be far off.

I personally think however, one should take Trump’s 'Think Big' words to a certain extent. Trump is talking about business here and having my own ups and downs, I am uncertain how my instincts work here so I’ll probably follow his advice. However, I wouldn’t do the same when it comes to good selection or BF’s instincts on directions. We get it wrong most of the time and if your instincts always get you losing stocks, I think it’s best to let someone else professional handle it for you.

There are altogether 10 chapters in 'Think Big' and here I’m through 3. These are just some quotes which I feel more for. It’s a really good book so get it if you want to start setting higher standards for yourself. Will talk more about the book later in the week.


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