Monday, September 6, 2010

Back in the Office

I'm back in the office again.

NOt that I'm not glad to be here, its just that I know today's gonna be a long day cuz I only had 4 hours of sleep, and the day before, 5 hours. And I thought yesterday was supposed to be a luxurious day whereby I can sleep early after watching some anime.

I got my anime but not the sleep. Some work that I had been oweing for some time was needed and thus I worked on it. There goes what I thought is the first time i'll get my luxurious 9 hours of sleep since I started working. I could only blame on my bad time managment as mentioned in the previous post. It was a good push to get things done though.

4 and 5 hours of sleep is the kind whereby you don't feel tired enough to fall sick, neither do you feel alert enough to close the lid of the flask tightly before mixing the boiling hot contents in it. (Got scalded early in the morning. What a way to wake up.)

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