Sunday, November 23, 2008

Second Paper + Vietnam briefing

Second paper was a Killer. and killed. Brutally...

All I can say is I glad I allocated time for BM212 yesterday. Looking back the the way I thought the paper would be, there is no point going any further into my study scope.

The Vietnam Business Trip Briefing later in the afternoon cheered me up alittle... at least I know that I will enjoy my time there. It sounds totally interesting and fun and No Doubt, I will be blogging the trip. I hope I can bring my laptop there since there is wireless in all the hotels that we will be staying in. I will most probably need my laptop for my Loreal Case Competition too. December is gonna be busy but fun and I do hope it will be fulfilling!

- A note of achievement >> I did something which I never thought I would accomplish myself -

It is relatively simple for most guys and some people... but definitely not for me. As what Nam Khai said, I know alot of chim IT stuffs.. but not the simple ones like fixing the printer with a jammed paper. BUT I DID IT! I accomplished this amazing feat at 11.40pm at SAC yesterday. Actually I did gave up once, but a SMS from Khai said to try taking out the printer cartridge. And I did, got my hands all inky (black).. and viola! There's the jammed paper! I bet the guy who jammed the printer missed out on this humongous sense of achievement I got! Thanks dear!

Here are some things that I hope I can get out from the Vietnam trip~
  1. Contacts for future business, particularly in the text tile industry
  2. Note the property conditions there
  3. Take note of interesting innovative ideas that can be brought back to Singapore. Remember how the idea of hermit crabs with painted shells that hit the news? Haha!

Okey. I'll start on BM212 after 15 mins of facebook. =D

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