Nam Khai is so crazy over bikes -.-" he looks at the forum every hour for at least an hour!
And this is what he found.

This is what the owner said:
From: LodgeDJ Nov-10 8:51 pm To: ALL (1 of 11) 4514.1
There are just too many 1300s on the road now, I don't feel unique or special anymore. That why I traded for this...a one-of-a-kind model that is unlikely to ever be repeated. It's surprisingly smooth and powerful, plus, it really seems to bring great joy into the lives of everyone that sees it, hence all the extremely gleeful laughter. Parts may be hard to find but it seems so well constructed that I don't think it'll be an issue.
Try to control your jealously please, let's all be grown-ups here.
Finally I have something about bikes that I found interesting. It left a smile on my face too! LOLS!
For interested parties:
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