Friday, May 6, 2011

Progress in my resignation and iPho

Progress in resignation

This is actually old news, just that I did not post it up, and it's a good news! So I'm letting it out here!

Instead of 1 month notice, I only need to serve say 2.5 weeks notice!

That's because I haven't been taking my leave so I have lots left to offset, including a leave in-lieu for the elections. If you consider Vesak Day and that one week has passed since I have handed in the letter (TIME PASSED LIKE SONIC MAN), I only have 1.5 weeks to go! WooOooHooOoO!!!


The offset came in handy, as right now I am trying to secure the first partnership deal for iPho, even when nothing is set up yet =.=.  If it works out, the event will be on 21st & 22nd of May, which gives me one or two days to be fully prepared for the first debute. I will have to work faster now, confirm the deal and move on to the preparation, name cards and collaterols.


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