Sunday, July 12, 2009

bye bye

it was just like any other Sunday... sleep till late... then be late for wushu... then dinner at some place with wei zhong and buddy.

Both of us (wei zhong and I) were feeling down, down with flu, stress, and tired. It was sweet of WZ to try to cheer the both of us up.. he took us on a little ride around woodlands and kranji area, and both of us were totally amazed at the hidden treasures that awaited us. We had no idea such a place exist in Singapore! The tranquility, the wind, the sea breeze, the cool grass and the bright lights across the sea... it was amazing to be able to find such a place which was actually only afew kilometers behind my house. I promise myself I'm going back there again, and soon!

As WZ drove off, both wei zhong and I started shouting silly stuffs at the sea.... =P

There is also a bistro near there. I wonder if wei qin and dong yue would wanna try out that place =) The only downside is the place is so inaccessible, someone have to drive to reach the place. But that's the same reason for the peacefulness that one will definitely enjoy there. - one of the place we drove into - I wanna try out the food here! anyone on for it?!

P.S. Thanks for everything buddy!!!

your voice sounded distant, but I know its just me...should I make my waydown now to see you at this hour?

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