What I do know is that at least 50% of this urge constitutes the following reason: My written English is better than my spoken ,(I speak gooood Eng-guish) and am eager to share all the new or old, wonderful and 'shitified' parcels that are sent and addressed to my life!
What I do hope not is that this new blog is just another rush of hot blood. University life is truly amazing! New groups of friendssssssssss (loads of them!), hall life, ASTERISKS!!!!, crazy races to complete assignments, heart wrenching discussions about GPAs ( occasionally blaming the government for their imports of foreign talents), Bla bLa blA…and last but not least, learning how to balance everything well- studies, activities, family and my boyfriend ^.^. P.S. He’s great
and this blog is here to do them justice!
Ok now! Enough of the introduction cause I can’t wait to upload the fireworks pictures!!! +D

I'm the kind of daughter who thinks that her father is a hero and king and sure am I proud of my daddy's profession! I am also 100% sure inclusive of a genuine guarantee chop that my professional photographer daddy is proud of me......only because of my photoshop skills. XP The only virgin photograph in this entry is the one below.
Can't imagine that I survived all those given the fact that I am claustrophobic!
Last but not least…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
SMileZ!!!! 5.42am