Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CEO, David Conner, explains OCBC's system outage on 13 Sep 2011

As the holder of one OCBC Visa card, I received this email from OCBC yesterday evening on behalf of the good man.

Dear Customer,

I owe you an explanation of what caused our systems to go down last week along with an update as to where we are now.

Since cutting over to our back-up system mid-day on Tuesday, 13 September, our information technology team focused their efforts on identifying the root cause of the technical problem which caused our banking channels to go down from 9:00 am for more than three hours - services were restored progressively from 12.20 pm and were fully operational by 1.00 pm. Our team was determined to find and fix the problem so as to ensure there would be no repeat channel outage.

After reviewing several possible causes, the team isolated a network device that did not function well. This device acted in combination with a parameter setting in the main banking system to trigger a suspension of the system’s network communications. This situation in turn affected our ATM network, branches, and internet and mobile banking channels island wide.

Our team took the time to identify the fault, simulate it and repeat the simulation to confirm that they had indeed identified the exact cause of the technical problem. This deliberate process was followed so as to ensure that we rectified the problem correctly and, in so doing, would prevent any future recurrence.

After implementing the repair, our team tested our main system thoroughly to ensure that it was working well and then returned our technology operations from our backup system to our main system over this past weekend.

The service outage did not meet our commitment of having our channels operating for you at all times. This is unacceptable. Again, I apologize for any inconvenience that this incident caused you.

I am grateful for your patience and understanding during the time our systems were down and thank you for banking with OCBC.
Yours sincerely

David Conner, CEO

Who could hold a grudge against OCBC with such a letter written? Perhaps it was easy for me to say as I was not affected by the downtime at all, however he was sincere and admitted to the company's mistake to the point he knew it was unacceptable. Let's hope that such a incident will not happen again or it would definately tarnish OCBC's trust and David Conner's name.

Anyone out there affected by the OCBC downtime in Singapore?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

One of my newest favorite sites to find information on Wushu -

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Steve Jobs resigns as Apple CEO

It's rather timely that as I had just finished reading 'Steve Jobs iLeadership', my business idol had just resigned as Apple CEO yesterday.

Although no reasons were cited, it should be rather obvious that Steve Job's resignation could be due to his dramatic fight with cancer and the even more recent relapse. It's hard to imagine that a man so visionary and great as him was obliged to leave his beloved company as CEO the second time, when it is at its peak. It would be of no wonder should Apple's stocks plunge after Steve Job resign, the same way it did when rumours of his cancer spread.

Reading Steve Job's bibliographical book had proven to be a great insight into the world, vision and struggles of a highly successful and dedicated man. Steve Jobs is one who would stop at nothing for excellence, and that's how consumers could get our hands one great consumer products like the Mac and iPhone. Steve Jobs have proven that you do not need many varieties in the product line. Just two great products and it is enough to revolutionise the world.

Because of his passion and persuasion power, Steve Jobs could win over anybody he want and that is how he managed to get all the talents in the world to work for him. Apple did not have the power, Steve Jobs did. And I do hope that Tim Cook had absorbed all of Steve Job's essence.

With Steve Job's resignation, once again Apple would feel like a presence is missing among their midst, but Steve Job's legend would definitely go on.

P.S. I am at City Hall Starbucks typing this and I just first hand witnessed how two individuals, one using a MacBook Pro and one holding a iPad started connecting simply by smiling at each other's Apple product. And I, just sitting around the same table (it's crowded today) using my Toshiba netbook, was left out. They began talking since 10mins ago, and are still talking now.

It is the sense of common identity that Steve Jobs had created. Simply Awesome

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Donald Trump & Bill Zanker : THINK BIG Chapt 4 - 6

I'm actually done through all 10 chapters of 'Think Big' and am left with the appendix with covers commonly asked questions, during the Learning Annex by bill Zanker I reckon.

Donald Trump talked about 'Luck' in 'Think Big' chapter 4. Being a christian, I view luck in a different way. Luck in any form is a blessing from God. As God is always fair, humans are all born equal in the sense that if you are blessed with more, be it good looks or good brains, you are expected to do more and contribute more to Christ and mankind. Being mentally handicap could also be a blessing as what some people often say - they are not bothered by worldly prodlems and can do whatever they like. It's really subjective for humans to judge. I guess it all depend on one's outlook. For one, I would love to be a actress but my looks will never get me into Hollywood. However, I am glad I am born with better brains to think big and a hardworking mindset to make it happen, a compensation I think enough to get me far in some other ways.

' Good Luck happens when opportunity meets preparations' - Think Big Chap 4
As described in 'Think Big', alot of people see successful people and all they see is the end result. they do not see all the hard work that there successful people have put behind in getting where they are now. Sure they are blessed with good brains but good brains without any work won't get anyone far. I am sure we all know that Tiger Woods did not swing a golf ball into a hole on his first try. He had worked very hard from a very young age to get where he was (until his sex-addict was revealed).

'Think Big' reminds me that success have to be worked for. It does not come in a day or a month. It may come faster if I work harder, but not right now. I've got to be patient and focused and work hard for it. I can pray for more blessings but it is really up to God if I am worthy of the blessing. All I am doing is to prepare myself for an opportunity that may come to me - that is only if I work hard. As what Donald Trump in 'Think Big' advises - I ignore what I lack - the good looks, and focus on what I have - good brains. It's all over if we dwell on the negative. We all have to make it happen ourselves.

' Do not be afraid to take chances' - Think Big Chap 4

Well I think this is really the point I have to really absorb. Doing internet marketing is all about taking chances I must say. Because all transactions is through the net and there is really no way to ensure that the party at the other end receiving the payment would deliver the goods or service. I almost had one mischance, fortunately I always make sure that I go through a third party payment company like paypal, therefore BF and I could appeal for a dispute and the goods was sent over within a week. I can only take precautions but because I don't know th eperson on the receiving end, I have to take the chance or I'll never know if the chance is real or not. I only know that if it's real, I won't want to miss it!

'Get people to respect you' - Think Big Chap 5

That's why I prefer to stay professional. I was at a club yesterday meeting some camp juniors. My ex who was my senior in the same camp as I went about telling the juniors that I can't take more than a can of beer. I'll simply concuss. I really disliked that and I hope he reads this blog. It makes people think I am weak and laugh. It's disrespectful. For one it is NOT true and I take wine and hard liquor which has even higher alcoholic level. Even if it were true, I do not need a loud hailer announcing my weakness. I did not want to raise my voice at him in front of the younger ones yesterday, but if it were to happen again, I'll make sure he takes my stand. We are good friends and if you are reading this, I hope you understand and respect me. I can't have people thinking I am weak and making a joke out of me. I hate it.

'Revenge' - Think Big Chap 6

In this chapture in Think Big, basically Donal Trump is trying to tell the whole world that it is important and satisfying to take revenge. It makes him happy and he even go so far as to teach how one should take revenge. This is one I can't bring myself to do it. I can't even stand up for myself sometimes!

I don't think I will learn what he intended to teach in this chapter though. Not that I disagree with him, just that I can't bring myself to buy the mindset. Sure, I will stand up for myself next time, but not go so far as to take revenge and aim to destroy another human being. This does not apply if someone tries to steal BF though. BE WARNED.

So I won't talk so much about this chapter. If you like the idea, go buy 'Think Big' and read for yourself.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Donald Trump & Bill Zanker : THINK BIG Chapt 1 - 3

I've always heard of Donald Trump but all I knew was that he should be some big guy somewhere in this big world. He should be pretty rich too.

Now I know Donald Trump’s a REALLY REALLY rich guy with lots of properties, golf course, television shows and even a football team to his name. He's generally highly confident, a good man and a loyal friend. Trump would, however, make a terrible husband and has a nasty attitude.

'Think Big' is a New York Times Bestseller and I personally think it is basically for people who already have a certain direction in life: That they are not going to work for anybody. They will owe a business, or a few businesses and people are going to work for them. Either that or you are already someone successful who wants to be even more successful even if it makes you look mean. Don’t waste your time reading it if you intend to stay employed or do freelancing jobs all your life. You won’t see eye to eye with the book and its authors. If I were to throw 'Think Big' to my mother or anybody else who spent more than half their lives working for others, they’ll probably think the book is leading me onto dangerous unknown paths.

'Think Big' is co-written with Bill Zanker, another big business owner who goes around the world doing expos and teaching people what schools don’t teach. I figured you could Google these two big personalities yourself so I won’t bother covering them now.

Trump talked about passion in ‘Think Big’:

‘Passion gives you the intestinal fortitude you need to never give up.’

I couldn’t agree more with him. I’ve found out that Lack Of Passion is one of the main reasons why I couldn’t force myself to stay in YEO’s any longer. I like the people I like the job. I have interest in it no doubt. But liking a job isn’t enough. How do you actually go on to do something for 10 hours a day when you have no passion for it? I’m not happy and I’m not excelling. For someone with such varied and vast number of different interests, passion is what sets one apart from another.

After 10 hours of work, I could make myself travel for more than an hour all the way back to school to join the juniors for their Wushu training. Passion is the driving reason why till this day, even after 10 years, I am still training in Wushu. It’s stimulating and satisfying. I feel happy and free in my Wushu shoes and pants. Sometimes I even think I can fly (It’s weird why I never excelled in jumps). Get me to go down to the stadiums to oversee a soccer match (part of my job) and most of the time I am counting down to the last hour where I can leave. Have it coincide with a Wushu training day and I’ll feel I’m having an especially awful week. I sincerely thought I had the determination to last for two year but I’m emotionally extreme and life got exceedingly miserable for me very quickly. My bosses think I had good potential but I was dawdling and oblivious. I wasn’t like that. It was a period of time I had a lot of doubts and felt I am mismanaging my life. I had to leave and ‘reset’ myself and I’m glad I’ve made the right decision.

‘Do what feels good’ ‘Never give up’ – Donald Trump ‘Think Big’

Compared to many other fellow practitioners, I am probably a failure, having put so many hours into training yet my best is only silver in the nationals. Age is catching up yet I don’t think I will stop anytime soon. I am still training and maintaining my form while many of my peers have stopped and given up. I love Wushu and I love the art’s beauty. Medals are not as important compared to passion. As long as I don’t stop, who knows, I may get a Gold somewhere someday! Or maybe a student can win one for me! Thinking Big!
I’m only learning how to apply all these to the work I am embarking now. I tend to be hot-headed and rush into new interests. This time I took efforts to ensure that with I am doing now is in line with what I know I would be interested in for a long time. How do I know? Simply imagine if one day your business stops earning you money, or if you become so busy you only get to sleep 4 hours a week, would you still continue doing what you love doing now? If the answer is yes, congrats, you have found your passion. Hopefully, as I get better in it, as I get more confident in it, it’ll become a passion the way Wushu became for me.

‘Know your business inside and out, get all the facts, ask people their opinions, and then go with your gut.’ – Donald Trump ‘Think Big’

Up till now, the reason why I haven’t really quoted Zanker is not because he hasn’t really written anything good, but because he seems more like a commenter backing Trump’s words. His writings take up maybe about 7% of the 'Think Big' , probably that’s why you only see Trump pointing at you from the book and not Zanker and Trump doing it together.

Sometimes you know your business and facts on the tip of your finger. Then you go ask around for opinions and when you’re done asking, you’re also convinced you are wrong.

This happened to me several times before. Of course I’ve wiser up to know who to ask. But at the same time, it is also important to trust yourself and your gut. Women have better instincts and I dare say 80% of the time I follow my gut, especially in the case of directions and people’s character, I’m right (50% of the time I really don’t know the odds). Sometimes all the facts could be pointing you in one direction but your gut points you in another. If your gut have proven itself right many times before, do Trump’s advise and follow it. You won’t be far off.

I personally think however, one should take Trump’s 'Think Big' words to a certain extent. Trump is talking about business here and having my own ups and downs, I am uncertain how my instincts work here so I’ll probably follow his advice. However, I wouldn’t do the same when it comes to good selection or BF’s instincts on directions. We get it wrong most of the time and if your instincts always get you losing stocks, I think it’s best to let someone else professional handle it for you.

There are altogether 10 chapters in 'Think Big' and here I’m through 3. These are just some quotes which I feel more for. It’s a really good book so get it if you want to start setting higher standards for yourself. Will talk more about the book later in the week.


This blog will begin blogging posts on Books (Surprise BF!)

After a month of hiatus (except for that very brief note I left a week back), I’m finally back with the intention of writing a full post. BF has been very supportive of the works I am getting on now and while I sink into self doubt on certain days, he has really big unwavering confidence in me that I will succeed.  For the past one year of my life he has always been there for me, very kind and very supportive. I always thank God for bringing us together.

One of the big ways he has been helping me and boosting my confidence since I left my full time job is to get me to read books. Now, I never liked the idea of reading until one month ago when he cleverly passed me a book that relates to the path I am taking now. At that point of time, I had just came back from church camp (I should seriously blog about it) and was at a low point realising my dad really wasn’t into iPho at all. I decided there is no point going ahead anymore since the main objective was to get him out of his tiring freelance job. BF’s real smart to get me to read the right book at the right time. I was looking for an answer as to the path I should walk on, and the book showed the direction I should charge into.

So in a short period of one month, from reading only compulsory textbooks in 22 years of my life, I have now completed reading 4 books ( of which 2 I actually choose from MPH myself – BF bought it =P). I am currently on my way to completing my 5th book. So I thought since I’ve began reading, I should start sharing my thoughts on these books yea? Hopefully someone may find some use for my sharing one day and begin aiming for success in life, which I am doing now.

I’m not going to share one whole book in one post coz frankly; I read the way a Slow Morris climbs. I hope they are slower than snails because the speed a snail move is not slow enough to describe the speed I read. By the time I am at the end of the book, I’ve probably almost forgotten what I read at the beginning (that’s why I got to buy the book and refer).

So for future posts that talks about the books, I am only going to talk about interesting chapters or parts of the book which I have read for the day. There is an exception for the first book I’m blogging though. I am already finishing it, but for the benefit of anyone who chance upon this blog, I’m going to start covering from the beginning.

We’ll see how it goes yea!

Book I’m on now: Think Big by Donald Trump and Bill Zanker

Yea… this is the kind of books BF makes me read. He’s gonna train me to be richer than him.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

You know I am into something

When I go hautius on my blog!

I shall not talk too much about it.. so here's the gist.

I am exploring internest business and aiming to earn $5K a month.


And i'm gonna get busy now.. so long!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Japan Earthquake

The earthquakes shaking the nation's land and souls don't seem to end.

Another earthquake occurred in Japan again this morning near the east coast of Honshu, Japan,the same epicentre as the deadly March 11, 2011 earthquake. With the 6.7 magnitude earthquake, the 75th since the first, another Tsunami could follow and ruin recovery efforts.

I remembered when I first heard about the Tsunami in Japan, I was immediately presented with the number of casualties on Google Search Engine, followed by a video of the devastation. It was the afternoon of March 11, 3 hours after the earthquake occurred. I was sipping mocha tea at, enjoying the bliss after a morning swim.

It's heart wrenching to see the destruction. Words cannot describe my awe for the Japanese as they retained their strong morals and values even during such hopeless times. My heart and respect goes out to the Japanese who took the event in their stride amidst the sorrows; We Singaporeans will not understand the pain. We are blessed with good governance, good economy and a good location free from Natural Disasters. If earthquake were to struck us, would we be like the Japanese, standing united and helping each other, or would we be the likes of the Americans, lamenting their fate?

I don't even know how I would react.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Are you Male?

@ United Square Starbucks: Woman stares at me, then walks over,

Woman: Hi Sorry. Are you Male?
Me: HUh?! MALE? (*confused)
Woman: Are you MAle?
Me: What?!!! Me? Male?! (*immediate furious.)
Woman: I am looking for my friend. Are you Male?
Me: Oh. No.

For 5 secs of my life I sank into ultimate depression and self denial.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

iPad games for Cats

Think iPads are developed for humans? Think again.

Absolute genius.

Monday, May 23, 2011

iPho @ Singapore Education Summit

And I am officially on day four of being iPho’s CEO!
The SES went well. It was great to see all the positive responses from the crowd! Each participant were given the chance to have a photo taken for free. Subsequent photos are at $1 per namecard size and $2 per 4R size. It was cheap no doubt (Original Price @ $2 for namecard size & @5 for 4R size) , but it’s only the start and it was a special promotion at the SES. Glad to know that people appreciate the effort we are putting in to make their pictures look beautiful.
Someone actually stole my black angry bird. I suspected it was a little boy who took it and 'good thing' he came back to steal the blue one. So I caught him and followed him around until he went back to the safety of his father. After speaking to the father, he turned to ask the boy, who lied saying no. It was his younger brother who  happily broke his cover and took the black bird out of their school bag. And he still refused to do anything, saying that some auntie annie told him it is free and he could take it. When the younger boy took the bird and gave it back to me, he came along and tried to snatch it back! And the father just sat there and do nothing! ARUGH. Luckily I did not let go. Such a disgrace. I simply told him he can’t have it because it is not his, thank the father and left. I hope the father gave the boy a good lecture.
Never expected that I'll need to play detective on second day of work!
The two days of the first tryout gave me invaluable experience. I have also learnt some lessons. In order of time sequence:
1.       Always have the quotation well explained and defined.
2.       Need to include floor space needed, 4 chairs, table length, ceiling height & no of plugs needed (min 2 preferbly 4)
3.       Free parking coupons?
4.       Do not let people choose what was taken. They'll take forever.
5.       To have computer faced against the wall so that people do not get to see what we do and try to intercept the flow.
6.       Photoshop was a bottleneck. We need to rectify this.
7.       Manpower – One photographer, two photoshoper, one cutter and one to manage the crowd.
8.       Signs must state clearly the prices
9.       Crowd manager has to try to garner mailing list people so we can inform them when the photos are up on face book
10.   There must be a cut off time to pack up.
11.   A netbook for mailing lists. I spent the last 1 hour typing in emails which could have been done in afew minutes simply by importing the contacts from a excel sheet. Bard. 30% of the emails bounched back due to wrong mail. Never knew there were so many doctors around.
Here are some fabulous pictures taken!

iPho is for the very young to the old! iPho rocks!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Officially Self Employed!

Its been 28 hours since I was out of YEO'S and 28 hours since being a professional entrepreneur!


Here's what my last 28 hours have been like:

6pm to 8pm yesterday - Thinking very hard what I might have missed out and what else i'll need to purchase on what is iPho's very first debut tomorrow, a partnership with edvalue for the Singapore Education Summit! (Where BF is a main speaker!)

8pm to 12am yesterday - Headed down to Marina Mandarine, location of the partnership venue to do a site reccee and to look for the very-much-missed BF main speaker.

12am to 2.30am - Finishing off what's left of formulating the standard proceedures and templates which the helpers can follow, learn and execute easily. Packed and checked items and set up needed for the morning's debut.

2.30am - 3.30am - Toss & turn in bed with excitement

3.30 - 5.30 am- Think I slept?

5.30am to 6am - Toss & turn in bed with excitement

6am to 7.30am - Prepare to leave home, pick up helper & zoom off to SES - Singapore Education Summit!

7.30am to 5.30pm - iPho GOES LIVE! go for pictures taken and printed, on the spot!

5.30pm - 10pm - Happily Concussed =)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Progress in my resignation and iPho

Progress in resignation

This is actually old news, just that I did not post it up, and it's a good news! So I'm letting it out here!

Instead of 1 month notice, I only need to serve say 2.5 weeks notice!

That's because I haven't been taking my leave so I have lots left to offset, including a leave in-lieu for the elections. If you consider Vesak Day and that one week has passed since I have handed in the letter (TIME PASSED LIKE SONIC MAN), I only have 1.5 weeks to go! WooOooHooOoO!!!


The offset came in handy, as right now I am trying to secure the first partnership deal for iPho, even when nothing is set up yet =.=.  If it works out, the event will be on 21st & 22nd of May, which gives me one or two days to be fully prepared for the first debute. I will have to work faster now, confirm the deal and move on to the preparation, name cards and collaterols.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Boat Ski and an exciting Labour Day!

This year's labour day is a day of new trials and adventure! As part of  friend's birthday celebration, we went on a boat ski with wake pirates. It was b'day girl's treat to do something exciting that none of us ( b'day girl, b'day girl bf, bf & me) had done before, before we all grow old with passing birthdays and realise our brittle bones will not restand boat ski and anymore excitement. Dinner was our (bf & I) treat back to b'day girl, just that bf foot all of the bill =P: That was when I had my virgin try on the most horrifically pitch black squid ink pasta that turned me into a witch like monster - continue reading to find out!

Boat Ski with Wake Pirates
Contact person : Jeremy Koh
43 Admiralty Road West S759962
Mobile: 9845 7452

SAF Yacht Club Sembawang Clubhouse is not exactly the kind of clubhouse you go looking your best. Be sure to clad in broad-shorts, singlets or tanks and most importanly, slippers or sandles for your Boat Ski. As true as the web claimed, there is indeed freeflow water and sunblock, just that it's all either used up or empty, so better bring your own drinks and sunblock.

 They charge $90 per person for an hour for the boat ski and it's a good amount of time to learn some good stuff without breaking any bones ( boat ski looks relaxing, but trust me I am sore all over my back). If going in a group, you may need to wait for each other so I say get some chips up on board. Forget about cards as they'll all be in the petrollium dark waters once the boat starts chattering away.

Talking about the boat skiing in sea water, this is what you'll be soaking up and gobbling in when falling - water with Singapore's marine wildlife natural deposits mixed with industrial waste from the nearby all-sorts-of Senoko Factories ( All wastes goes into the canal. All water in the canal flows into a big canal. The big canal is connected to the sea. I was fated to intern and work there so I know.). Human deposits ( like my bf's spit and think about all the pee when people get excited...) and not to forget the visible layer of black petrol floating on the water. You may include all else things imaginable.

Oh but Hack! It's not like we don't know where our tap water & Renew water come from! Don't think about it and have fun boat skiing!
Fresh face all ready to go for boat skiing!

Big ship, small boat - all at Sembawang SAF Yacht Club

Our boat ski boatman & coach - Freddy from Wake Pirates

Two sets of skis for big feet & small feet

Introducing the beer & tobacco man on Jet Ski - Jeremy Hohoohooo

All behing coach's back

BF wearing the ski.
I would have loved to place my boat ski tutorial video, but BF's one turned out to be more informative and better taken (because I was the one who took it -.-). So here it is! Hope you can gain some knowledge here before going for your first boat ski!

A squat...

And a stand on first try!
I can't stand it how pro BF looks.
Presenting my super Pro BF boat skiing!

This is how small you'ld look from the boat

My turn! As I have never done it before,
 more time was used to get my basics drilled in first.

On board simulation of how you'll feel when tagged by the boat in the water.
For this, a patient, knowledgable and strong coach like Freddy
(coz he needs to simulate the pulling power of a BOAT) is needed.

I have lots of videos of myself in the process of boat ski learning and trying to get boat ski-ing right, but I'm not going to upload it and bore everyone out. Instead, I'll just upload the more interesting and educationa and you'll go subscribe to my You Tube Channel and check out the rest of the videos there! -

 The first time you fall durong your boat ski, you'll most probably fall front so you'll be lying in the water on your tummy. To get into position for ski again, you'll have to get onto your back and trust me, the first time is never easy. Somehow things don't work the way you want it to do in the waters with lots of floats!

Tip: Try straightening your legs and knees when you turn. Don't forget to continue keeping them straight when you turn!

And I didn't know there was so much commotion going on on the boat!

This is how you'll look like when preparing -
tuck everything between the ski and your stomach and only your head should be seen!

First time I'm Up!

And in 3 seconds I'm down again! YAY!!!!
Just to give you a video-ral sense of what happened.

Riding on the waves getting pro man =D

We learnt how to get stable, manouver from side to side and lastly, to ride on waves and cut through waves.

It is scientifically proven that the smaller size you are, the smaller you'ld look from the boat.

BF says I am hot....

But he also knows my Hotness Level cannot be compared to his...

Just compare it for yourself! He's going one hand show off! Hump!

Busking in the sunset, with sore arms, back and legs =)

Coming up - Squid ink Pasta

Friday, April 29, 2011

Embarking research work for dad's website

I have figured out that the first few steps (and the cheapest) in setting up my dad's business is to have online presence.

1. Website
2. Facebook
3. Namecards & creatives to create EDMs and brouchers

I was looking through some photography websites today to gain some inspirations. Some of which I chanced upon are pretty impressive. Check em out:

I have also chanced upon another inspiring website - Seeing beyond sight - photography by the blind. The partnership between Kathy Knox (a blind writer who recently picked up a camera) and Tony Deifell (a photography) is one that would instill deep thoughts into the world of blind.

Although my dad has been in this line for more than 30 years already, he has always been a freelancer getting jobs via contacts. His logo is simply a "IMAGE" in Times New Roman and a "Photography Services" in cursive italics. No issues with the image the log protrayed actually - a Professional and no frills service, exactly what my dad's been doing. However, this would poise a problem when reaching out to the younger ones and to the more fun & creative side of the business which I will be in-charge of venturing into.

So I've thought of setting up a subsidary kind of business to target the more youthful ones. iPho - Stands for Instant Photo, a subsidary of Image Photography Services!

Now to work on the logo and Image of iPho!

It's official

And I am on my way to becoming the next BIG ENTREPRENUER OF THE YEAR!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


In the next 24 hours time, I will be handing up my resignation letter the second time, this time standing stead fast to my decision. There's the lingering feeling of pity, but as much as I would like to, I should not stay on.

Well, this also means that in 24 hours time, I will be serving my one month notice and after that, since it's not like I am leaving for a better job, I am officially unemployed!!!

But I am not jobless =) I will take this time to finish up the E-Book that bf and I started, to help my dad set up his photography business, to work on my writing skills and to finally do all the things I have been wanting to do like going for church prayer session and taking my afternoon naps =DDD... all while trying to live on my savings.

It's hard when at the back of my mind, I know that I will not be able to sit comfortably in Starbucks sipping my frappochino and reading magazines , nor have my weekly dose of salmon sashimi. I will have to think twice about adding a additional chicken wing to my rice or get that rabbit patterned socks to wear in my rubbery crocs, BUT, I have all the feelings I once had slowly returning to me once again.




Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Not going anywhere

When I typed in the above title it seemed ironic to me that this same 3 words has two different meaning which I am applying in my current situation.

I am not going anywhere with my job and I do not see myself improving. I know where the problem lies but thats the way the system is and it was drilled into me within the first 4 weeks of work that there is nothing I can do to change it. Neither do the people around me want any change. The culture was, will and shall always remain the same. On top of this, I feel like I have entered a events company, not a MNC as a marketing executive. All I do was to just garner registration, look for suppliers, liasing with logistics persons and follow instructions.

And yet, simply because it is only my 8th month at the job, I'm not going anywhere too. What am I going to tell my future employees that 8 months and all I did was to follow instructions and garner registrations and database?

I had a bad chiding from my top boss for things I have had no control over. What am I to do when I have really cracked my brain for so many ideas only to be rejected one after another, and then back to square 1 following instructions once again? What am I to do when after working so hard for a project I look forward to, just because I cannot think of any new idea which they themselves cannot figure out and I get my project taken out from my KPI? What am I to do when someone leaves and and suddenly I have to garner registrations in 21 days? I even have to seive through information to find out what was left over then continue from there! Why is it that I am still handling something that is under someone else's KPI and I help cover the beginning while someone else gets the honour of covering the end.

How could you bet a $100 dollars that a manager can complete something within a week which I cannot complete in a month? If I am the decision maker I am sure I can, save the consequences that my decisions may not be the right decisions. But I am not the decision maker and I cannot make promises. I have to go through a minimum of 3 rounds instead of 1. 1 - talk to the supplier/ partner for a deal, 2 - wait for a good time to discuss with manager , 3 - return to the supplier. This is the best case scenerio. The worst case is when the supplier says no, lets try to compromise, then I repeat step 1 to 3 again SEVERAL TIMES. If my manager changes her mind and wants something more, then the scenerio is the same as the previous. How can you bet a $100 on this? I do not mind giving you the $100 off hand from my pocket if $100 is what you want. I know that you want me to take this positively, but I am a marketing excutive who is told to simply follow instructions.

I have been working off my ass from 8.30am to 10pm for the past 1 week and I know I am losing myself. My dreams are all about work now and I have trouble every morning having to go through what is really completed and what is completed - only in my dreams.

I have been missing out on my promises to God to maintain a regular reading time every week.

Thank God Easter is coming in less than 24 hours and I can indulge in God's words again.

Monday, April 11, 2011

St. Luke Gospel

God made use of Luke, a Gentile, to spread to the world the events leading up to Jesus birth and also tells us of our saviour's early years.

St. Luke 1 : 5 - 27

Herod the Great- King of Judaea

Zacharias - Prist, course of Abia

Elisabeth - Daughter of Aaron, Wife of Zacharias

John - Son of Zacharias & Elisabeth, to become John the Baptist

Gabriel - Angel whom appeared before Zacharias & Mary, mother of Jesus & Joseph, father of Jesus

Joseph - Father of Jesus, husband of Mary. He married Mary out of obedience to a dream from God after learning about Mary's supernatural pregnancy and raised Jesus as his own son. It is likely that he had passed away before Jesus Ministry,

Mary - Mother of Jesus, wife of Joseph. Gabriel the angel appeared before her and she conceived by the power of God and the Holy Ghost. Cousin of Elisabeth

St Luke 2 : 25 - 36

Simeon - Man in Jerusalem , just and devoted. Man who circumcised Jesus.

Anna - Daughter of Phanuel, tribe of Aser, a prophet

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

I wish my job is this

I wish my job is to just sit around in starbucks everyday and draw or type whatever that is happening in my head or all around me. I seriously have alot of things to draw and type around. Just the out of the world dreams I have almost everynight is enough to compile a book of the weirdest stories. And when I am bored I'll simply go somewhere else and walk around till some new tots pop up in my head and i'll write them down. That is if only many enough people read my stuffs or if I am famous. Oh and I really love my TOSHIBA netbook that really came in very handy for most part of this week. The best part is it CHARGES MY PHONE!!! Love you lots Toshiba darling. =)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Application TwLauncher has stopped unexpectedly

picture taken from member jpeanes My 3 day old Samsung Galaxy S says: ' The application TwLauncher (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.' It happened when I was downloading my first few apps. AURHGHGHGH!!!! Edit: I had the phone sent to customer servicing centre and they had it fixed within a matter of minutes. Guess this problem was prominent among galaxy s phones. However since my phone is very new and should had the newest software installed they could not figure out why out happened. Only two possibility was that one of the many apps I was trying to download had a bug or 2, I was trying to download about 5 or 6 apps at one go and that proved too much for this great tiny phone. anyway its fine now and I cannot be more glad. All they did was to reset the phone. To reset phone, you must still be able to access your key pad. Step 1: go to your key pad Step 2: punch in this string of code - *2767 *3855# then hit enter/call Step 3: pray hard that this string of codes work for your phone and wait for magic to happen step 4: if it works, rejoice. If it doesn't, move on to step 5 Step 5: go visit your friendly samsung customer care centre at either jurong point or douhby ghaut plaza singapura. Yes only these two places as the rest are all shops in charge of making money only and customer service do not bring in cash. They'll direct you to these two centre. Consider yourself warned :-) For those who prefers to hands on, check out - it makes me feel important to have a forum built just to address my phone problems =) TwLauncher application stoppage be gone! Edit is all typed using samsung galaxy s while bumming around in starbucks.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jackie Chan's dead at 52!

And that's a hoax!

Apparantly online reports quoted from a Los Angelos hospital that said he died while promoting the new Kung Fu Panda 2 (Which I am sooo gonna watch!). For fans out there, don't worry. He is very much alive and kicking and I think he would be very amused to find out that he is 'killed off online!'

And here's to one of my favourite Kung Fu star of all times, movies that I have watched and loved!

Here he plays a straight face square soldier in the old Dynasty Period whom the princess had fallen in love with and waited for hundreds of years after consuming a pill that makes her immortal. Touched by Jackie's care, protection and respect, she kept faith in all his promises, only to suicide heartbroken by re-carnated Jackie who could not remember her at all. Action, romance & comedy, he played it all!

And now from soldier to a man in a neat pressed tuxedo making use of high technological enhanced body mechanics to fight off evil do-ers. However this time it's less of a romantic and the 'one & only one' kind of love but a play boy who made use of the special skills and cool grooves gained by wearing the tux. From olden romantica fighting soldier to modern cool play boy superhero - truely versitile.

Away from the usual good guy great moves, this is Jackie as the bad guy kidnapping a baby for money. Not much of the fighting, but whats a Jackie Chan show without his cool moves? Halfway through the movie, his fatherly instincts took over and he of course, went back to being a good guy and returned the baby. He has the face of a good guy anyway, but could do well playing the bad guy pretty well once in a while =)

How could he die? Everyone's waiting for his Die Hard 4!

Monday, March 28, 2011

When everything taste the same

It all started off with a loss of voice. Somehow my voice was drained away from my throat by some jounin invinsible to the eye and my voicebox could only produce empty clutters since last tuesday. Tomorrow is already gonna be a new Tuesday. Then a wednesday night my blanket mysteriously, ok, not so mysteriously, got stuck at some part of the bed and no matter how hard I pull, I could never get enough cloth to shield me from the fan. I find it kind of ironic when the one feeling hot wanted the fan and the blanket at the same time.... anyway, I caught a cold that night. So that's how I got my nose blocked since then. The deadly illness also conveniently blocked my ears, tastebuds and I think it blocked a big part of my brain signals such that I was not quite sure what I had been doing for the past few days. Glad I am clearer now. I felt like a lost duck in a desert back then, keep wondering what am I doing or how did I end up here? It also felt like I have been eating duck porridge every single meal for the past whole week. For the days beginning with the loss of voice, I had been eating porridge every single meal and had duck porridge for dinner as it is the most assessible and good tasting porridge available after work at Sembawang MRT and Yew Tee MRT. So I had it on wednesday night and it was the last thing I tasted. After that everything else was duck porridge. As I could only remember the last taste I had - the duck porridge , bread the nex morning tasted like porridge, dumpling soup tasted like duck, water tasted like dumpling soup which tasted like duck porridge, siew mai tasted like water, almond milk tea tasted like siew mai, sushi tasted like siew mai, which all tastes the same like duck porridge. Life could only be described in 1 word - Agonizing. I spent much more these days, putting all kinds of different food into my mouth with great faith that maybe, just maybe, i'll be able to taste this one! I got more and more dissappointed each time. Finally I turned to WASABI which myth says would shoot through the nose and clear it! Like real. It did shoot through, but somehow the great ocean is still stuck in my nose and I am still sniffing till now. I'm just glad that I din have a running nose. I know that it could have been worst.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Ultimate Spa

I just went for the deal from - 87% OFF on Glycolic Face Spa or Dead Sea Mud Body Remedy @ the Award-Winning The Ultimate Spa. Add $5 for a Relaxer Back Massage @ $38.

I badly needed a facial from a outbreak over the last weekend. Must be too much chocolate cakes from Siong's mommy's b'day! So I simply got the two most value for money deal available at deal sites. It really pleased me to know that both are below $50, the price I pay at my usual facial venue.

So one of which is the Glycolic Face Spa @ The Ultimate Spa. For it's service, location and the cut off the usual price, it's a great deal, but they will not see me again.

It's just 30mins from home, located at the Bukit Batok Civil Service Centre. It's the second time I've been to the place so I'm more or less familiar with its location, just that Bukit Batok CSC is really big and has two different sections! One section has only 4 floors, while the other section has the 5th Floor where The Ultimate Spa is. If you take the lift which only brings you to the 4th floor, alight at the 3rd floor and walk to the other end - towards the nature themed swimming pool (only opened to members and their guest). Walk striaght pass the pool and turn left, take the lift to the 5th floor and there you are, at The Ultimate Spa at Bukit Batok Civil Service Centre.

Within the Spa itself, they have another level up. It's a beatiful and relaxing place, not to mention really big for a spa location. It's like walking into a Banyan Tree resort located on a Hilltop with lots of potted plants and phuket flooring.

The Gylcolic mask basically helps to remove dead skin without the need of harsh exfoliation. It's amazing property is that it will nutrilize itself after 8 mins or so, so it will not eat into your skin like acid if you just fall asleep while doing home treatment. Meanwhile, they'll do a good & nice shoulder message that hits all the feel-good points, leaving you even more relax and sleepy! It's one of the best shoulder message I had with the right amont of strength. I guess message is their stronger and better service compared to facial.

The extraction process was very thorough and only abit painful. I mean, facials have only three kinds, abit painful, painful and very painful. Some people with very low tolerance level have another meter called excrutiating pain, but I don't think this will ever happen at the Ultimate Spa. They are really gentle. However, they do steam the face first which I am really against. My usual facial do not use the steamer at all. The products they use come from Gemany, Barcelona, and they feel good on the skin, not strong or too prickling. I think they could be stronger though. as I feel it is too mild to be of any good use and does not justify it's hefty price tag.

At the end of the session, I came out with a very swollen red face that looked like someone just ran needles across it. They did not have a machine that helps to lessen the swell and depend solely on their products,which is very obvious it did not work well on me. They said that my face condition is really bad and they should have given me a stronger cooling product to use.

This makes them look very amature with their understanding of a customer's face condition and their own products. In fact, if that is the case, they should have completed the whole treatment by ensuring that my face swell subsides before letting me go. This was the case for most facials I went, except for this one which still tried to sell me a year package and some other products, saying that they will use 'this and that' the next time. It kind of made me feel that they are trialing and erroring their products on my face and they will use the first few sessions to do that. Very unprofessional.

When I said that I think the products are not working well on my face (as can be seen from my evidently swollon red face),all they could say is ' This is good for you' and 'This is very good for you'. They do not touch on the 'Why is it good' and the 'How it works' or even explain what it is for. I think they should just stick to doing message. Very unconvincing.

Rating: 2 stars out of 5.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

End of the world

Today's lunch topic was " do you believe in the end of the world?"

** Story Begins**

Colleague A: You know what? My friend is in bangkok now and is cursing all the way coz it is 16 degree celcius!

Me: HUH? 16 degree celcius??? Bangkok? how can it be! it's so inland!

Colleague A: Ya la! its like crazy la!!! Bangkok leh! 16 degree celcius she was like so caught unprepared! She does not have any warm clothes at all!

Colleague B: Oh!!! IT's gonna be the end of the world...

Colleague A: hmmm.. maybe lo.. *types sms on her iphone*

Colleague B: do you all believe its going to be the end of the world?

Colleague A: * very fast response as usual* YES

Colleague B: So why are we working so hard now. we should all go and enjoy! ... Do you all think its gonna be in 2012?

Colleague A: Yea lo... I think so...

Me: According to the Bible, the signs are showing.

Colleague B: Really huh? What signs?

Me: Earthquake, tsunami, rise of 10 nations and wars.... we are hearing that suddenly and much more often now.

Colleague A: My friend says it will happen within our generation.

Colleague B: oooo.. ya lo... how i wish we all know when exactly the when the end of the world is, then we can plan our activities ahead of time.

Me: -.- huh..... if everyone knows when the end of the world will be, no one will be working and there will not even be food to go around! When that comes, it will really be the end of the world! Who will even be out there working for you to provide entertainment?

Colleague B: Ya lo. you are right

**Topic ends here**

I think God has a good reason for not letting us know when exactly will the world end. We all just have to be prepared and ensure our salvation. When the day comes, it will be like a "thief at night" and what we can only do is to be mentally prepared.