Friday, April 29, 2011

Embarking research work for dad's website

I have figured out that the first few steps (and the cheapest) in setting up my dad's business is to have online presence.

1. Website
2. Facebook
3. Namecards & creatives to create EDMs and brouchers

I was looking through some photography websites today to gain some inspirations. Some of which I chanced upon are pretty impressive. Check em out:

I have also chanced upon another inspiring website - Seeing beyond sight - photography by the blind. The partnership between Kathy Knox (a blind writer who recently picked up a camera) and Tony Deifell (a photography) is one that would instill deep thoughts into the world of blind.

Although my dad has been in this line for more than 30 years already, he has always been a freelancer getting jobs via contacts. His logo is simply a "IMAGE" in Times New Roman and a "Photography Services" in cursive italics. No issues with the image the log protrayed actually - a Professional and no frills service, exactly what my dad's been doing. However, this would poise a problem when reaching out to the younger ones and to the more fun & creative side of the business which I will be in-charge of venturing into.

So I've thought of setting up a subsidary kind of business to target the more youthful ones. iPho - Stands for Instant Photo, a subsidary of Image Photography Services!

Now to work on the logo and Image of iPho!

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