Friday, April 29, 2011

Embarking research work for dad's website

I have figured out that the first few steps (and the cheapest) in setting up my dad's business is to have online presence.

1. Website
2. Facebook
3. Namecards & creatives to create EDMs and brouchers

I was looking through some photography websites today to gain some inspirations. Some of which I chanced upon are pretty impressive. Check em out:

I have also chanced upon another inspiring website - Seeing beyond sight - photography by the blind. The partnership between Kathy Knox (a blind writer who recently picked up a camera) and Tony Deifell (a photography) is one that would instill deep thoughts into the world of blind.

Although my dad has been in this line for more than 30 years already, he has always been a freelancer getting jobs via contacts. His logo is simply a "IMAGE" in Times New Roman and a "Photography Services" in cursive italics. No issues with the image the log protrayed actually - a Professional and no frills service, exactly what my dad's been doing. However, this would poise a problem when reaching out to the younger ones and to the more fun & creative side of the business which I will be in-charge of venturing into.

So I've thought of setting up a subsidary kind of business to target the more youthful ones. iPho - Stands for Instant Photo, a subsidary of Image Photography Services!

Now to work on the logo and Image of iPho!

It's official

And I am on my way to becoming the next BIG ENTREPRENUER OF THE YEAR!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


In the next 24 hours time, I will be handing up my resignation letter the second time, this time standing stead fast to my decision. There's the lingering feeling of pity, but as much as I would like to, I should not stay on.

Well, this also means that in 24 hours time, I will be serving my one month notice and after that, since it's not like I am leaving for a better job, I am officially unemployed!!!

But I am not jobless =) I will take this time to finish up the E-Book that bf and I started, to help my dad set up his photography business, to work on my writing skills and to finally do all the things I have been wanting to do like going for church prayer session and taking my afternoon naps =DDD... all while trying to live on my savings.

It's hard when at the back of my mind, I know that I will not be able to sit comfortably in Starbucks sipping my frappochino and reading magazines , nor have my weekly dose of salmon sashimi. I will have to think twice about adding a additional chicken wing to my rice or get that rabbit patterned socks to wear in my rubbery crocs, BUT, I have all the feelings I once had slowly returning to me once again.




Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Not going anywhere

When I typed in the above title it seemed ironic to me that this same 3 words has two different meaning which I am applying in my current situation.

I am not going anywhere with my job and I do not see myself improving. I know where the problem lies but thats the way the system is and it was drilled into me within the first 4 weeks of work that there is nothing I can do to change it. Neither do the people around me want any change. The culture was, will and shall always remain the same. On top of this, I feel like I have entered a events company, not a MNC as a marketing executive. All I do was to just garner registration, look for suppliers, liasing with logistics persons and follow instructions.

And yet, simply because it is only my 8th month at the job, I'm not going anywhere too. What am I going to tell my future employees that 8 months and all I did was to follow instructions and garner registrations and database?

I had a bad chiding from my top boss for things I have had no control over. What am I to do when I have really cracked my brain for so many ideas only to be rejected one after another, and then back to square 1 following instructions once again? What am I to do when after working so hard for a project I look forward to, just because I cannot think of any new idea which they themselves cannot figure out and I get my project taken out from my KPI? What am I to do when someone leaves and and suddenly I have to garner registrations in 21 days? I even have to seive through information to find out what was left over then continue from there! Why is it that I am still handling something that is under someone else's KPI and I help cover the beginning while someone else gets the honour of covering the end.

How could you bet a $100 dollars that a manager can complete something within a week which I cannot complete in a month? If I am the decision maker I am sure I can, save the consequences that my decisions may not be the right decisions. But I am not the decision maker and I cannot make promises. I have to go through a minimum of 3 rounds instead of 1. 1 - talk to the supplier/ partner for a deal, 2 - wait for a good time to discuss with manager , 3 - return to the supplier. This is the best case scenerio. The worst case is when the supplier says no, lets try to compromise, then I repeat step 1 to 3 again SEVERAL TIMES. If my manager changes her mind and wants something more, then the scenerio is the same as the previous. How can you bet a $100 on this? I do not mind giving you the $100 off hand from my pocket if $100 is what you want. I know that you want me to take this positively, but I am a marketing excutive who is told to simply follow instructions.

I have been working off my ass from 8.30am to 10pm for the past 1 week and I know I am losing myself. My dreams are all about work now and I have trouble every morning having to go through what is really completed and what is completed - only in my dreams.

I have been missing out on my promises to God to maintain a regular reading time every week.

Thank God Easter is coming in less than 24 hours and I can indulge in God's words again.

Monday, April 11, 2011

St. Luke Gospel

God made use of Luke, a Gentile, to spread to the world the events leading up to Jesus birth and also tells us of our saviour's early years.

St. Luke 1 : 5 - 27

Herod the Great- King of Judaea

Zacharias - Prist, course of Abia

Elisabeth - Daughter of Aaron, Wife of Zacharias

John - Son of Zacharias & Elisabeth, to become John the Baptist

Gabriel - Angel whom appeared before Zacharias & Mary, mother of Jesus & Joseph, father of Jesus

Joseph - Father of Jesus, husband of Mary. He married Mary out of obedience to a dream from God after learning about Mary's supernatural pregnancy and raised Jesus as his own son. It is likely that he had passed away before Jesus Ministry,

Mary - Mother of Jesus, wife of Joseph. Gabriel the angel appeared before her and she conceived by the power of God and the Holy Ghost. Cousin of Elisabeth

St Luke 2 : 25 - 36

Simeon - Man in Jerusalem , just and devoted. Man who circumcised Jesus.

Anna - Daughter of Phanuel, tribe of Aser, a prophet

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

I wish my job is this

I wish my job is to just sit around in starbucks everyday and draw or type whatever that is happening in my head or all around me. I seriously have alot of things to draw and type around. Just the out of the world dreams I have almost everynight is enough to compile a book of the weirdest stories. And when I am bored I'll simply go somewhere else and walk around till some new tots pop up in my head and i'll write them down. That is if only many enough people read my stuffs or if I am famous. Oh and I really love my TOSHIBA netbook that really came in very handy for most part of this week. The best part is it CHARGES MY PHONE!!! Love you lots Toshiba darling. =)