I went to visit a TCM clinic late this afternoon upon mom's summon. By simply pressing this pen like thing on several points around my plam and feet, the machine amazingly produced a 3 page results of my health status.
Most of the results are in Red.
My mom asked if I belive it or not. Well, I agree I've been collating sleep debts recently, but it really can't be helped. Ask any undergrad and they'll know what I am talking about. Other than that, I really think the results is totally exxagerated and being a marketing student who is well taught in transforming a resume into a personal sales letter and a biological report into a marketing report, I think it's just a matter of where you place the red and green boundary lines. It's just up to the reader to believe. And I don't. I just need to drink more water and get more sleep. Not take more pills or go for your theraphy or anything like that.
I usually have TCC with friends... but today's special. I brought my bro and mom to TCC ... glad they liked the food and coffee! I recommended them my personal favs... and decided to go adventurous for awhile, only to order fish soaked in WASABE. haiz... really should have read the description... it was written in the menu!
I got another $50 Robinsons voucher from mom again today! =D KHIELS and MARKS AND SPENCERS here I come!!! !!!!
NK contacted me at about 10pm... asking what I have on later... saying he is attending his cousin's wedding currently.
I know exactly whats coming next... tts the way he asks me out...
Recently I did alot of things that surprise myself... one of which is to not be ever-ready for him this once... he wants more drinks and I know he wants my company... he couldn't have had the diary with him... I don't want to ride on a bike after drinks and having to prepare myself mentally that I may lose my hands, legs and even my life again... I don't want to anymore... the truth is it frightens me... I watch out for the road. For a 30 min trip home I'm on 'ready to pounce off mode'.
I just didn't reply to his sms. But I'm glad to see that he is online - meaning he is safe, home.
I am writing in a new diary tonight.
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